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Framed Greek Mythology Art

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168 Items
Framed Danae
by Gustav Klimt
16" x 15" Frame
Price: $135.99 
Framed Danae
by Gustav Klimt
27" x 25" Frame
Price: $223.99 
Framed Muse Of Drama, Muse Of Music
Muse Of Drama, Muse Of Music
by Michelangelo Pergolesi
20" x 26" Frame
Price: $202.39 
Framed Taking the Gods as Example
Taking the Gods as Example
by Henryk Siemiradzki
40" x 23" Frame
Price: $289.59 
Framed Birth of Venus (detail)
Birth of Venus (detail)
by Sandro Botticelli
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $137.59 
Framed Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
19" x 24" Frame
Price: $167.99 
Framed Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
15" x 19" Frame
Price: $134.39 
Framed Girl Defending Herself Against Love
Girl Defending Herself Against Love
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
19" x 25" Frame
Price: $169.59 
Framed Girl Defending Herself Against Love
Girl Defending Herself Against Love
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
14" x 18" Frame
Price: $123.99 
Framed Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
by Sandro Botticelli
19" x 15" Frame
Price: $131.99 
Framed Detail: La Primavera
Detail: La Primavera
by Sandro Botticelli
18" x 19" Frame
Price: $149.59 
Framed Detail: Venus and the Three Graces II
Detail: Venus and the Three Graces II
by Sandro Botticelli
18" x 19" Frame
Price: $148.79 
Framed Detail: La Primavera
Detail: La Primavera
by Sandro Botticelli
14" x 15" Frame
Price: $115.19 
Framed Detail: Venus and the Three Graces I
Detail: Venus and the Three Graces I
by Sandro Botticelli
18" x 20" Frame
Price: $148.79 
Framed Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
by Sandro Botticelli
46" x 31" Frame
Price: $379.19 
Framed Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
by Sandro Botticelli
29" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $195.19 
Framed Hercules Fighting the Nemean Lion
Hercules Fighting the Nemean Lion
by Peter Paul Rubens
22" x 24" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $199.19 
Framed Greek Goddess Eos, the Goddess of Dawn
Greek Goddess Eos, the Goddess of Dawn
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
17" x 27" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $172.79 
Framed Judgement of Paris, c. 1529, Solnhofen limestone Aphrodite
Judgement of Paris, c. 1529, Solnhofen limestone Aphrodite
23" x 25" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $205.59 
Framed Pallas Athena or, Armoured Figure
Pallas Athena or, Armoured Figure
by Rembrandt van Rijn
22" x 27" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $196.79 
Framed Rokeby Venus
Rokeby Venus
by Diego Velazquez
28" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $194.39 
Framed Judgement of Paris - dark colors
Judgement of Paris - dark colors
by Peter Paul Rubens
28" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $197.59 
Framed Medusa
by Leonardo Da Vinci
15" x 12" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $103.99 
Framed Neptune and Amphitrite
Neptune and Amphitrite
18" x 25" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $168.79 
Framed Cupid
25" x 20" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $182.39 
Framed Greek God Ceres
Greek God Ceres
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $224.79 
Framed Greek Gods Diana
Greek Gods Diana
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $224.79 
Framed Fall of Phaeton
Fall of Phaeton
by Peter Paul Rubens
29" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $226.39 
Framed Thou Art Odysseus
Thou Art Odysseus
21" x 27" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $203.99 
Framed Greek Gods Vesta
Greek Gods Vesta
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $224.79 
Framed Greek God Mercury
Greek God Mercury
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $224.79 
Framed Greek God Vulcan
Greek God Vulcan
29" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $225.59 
Framed Greek Gods Tryphon
Greek Gods Tryphon
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $224.79 
Framed Greek Gods Neptune
Greek Gods Neptune
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $225.59 
Framed Greek Gods Pluto
Greek Gods Pluto
29" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $225.59 
Framed Greek Gods Saturn
Greek Gods Saturn
29" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $226.39 
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168 Items

Framed Greek Mythology Paintings

When considering Greek and Roman mythology we would often consider that art work associated with it would mainly consist of pieces with Greek Gods and statues. For the most part this is true and many artists have tried to capture this in their framed Greek and roman mythology art. The beauty and majesty of this era has been captured in many creations and art lovers will seek out examples of this work.

Artists such as Franklin and Botticelli capture the more classic view of framed Greek and roman mythology wall art in their pieces depicting beautiful images of goddesses and legends in “Aphrodites Dream”, “Danae” and “Three Graces”. They bring the grace and serenity of these mythological characters to life. Showing their beauty and fine features in gentle tones.
A number of other artists take a different view when creating their framed Greek and roman mythology wall art. Rubens looks more at the violence associated with the Greek and Roman Mythology, showing in detail the blood and death in his “Fall of Phaeton”. He shows the darkness of the period and the conflict that was also associated with this period in time.

Whilst Chagall and Dali both capture their view of this period of time in their unique style. Representing framed Greek and roman mythology art paintings using abstract features to show the grace of the period of time. Dali’s “Apparition of the Face of Aphrodite of Knidos” still gives an impression of the features of Aphrodite whilst painting in his classic abstract style. Chagall’s “La Paradis” is a dreamy surreal depiction of the framed mythology of the Greeks and Romans.
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