A huge advantage to having a cabin fever decor is the ability to let it change with the seasons. A few pieces, keeping all of the elements together, will unify the space over time, and free you to change with the shifting seasons. A change of artwork, and a few different accents can bring this feeling into your cabin fever space.
Softer colours suit the early spring well: take advantage of this by bringing out smaller, younger versions of your symbols. A picture of a deer fawn and family will bring the feel of spring inside. And a winter scene, featuring a cardinal on a branch is a very traditional, yet well-loved symbol of the colder season for a cabin fever look. Saving the richer palette for the late-summer season, you have the full range of colours, flowers, and mature animals available. Fall colours are a favourite with many artists; you will have a large selection to help create the cabin feel during this season. And the traditional wintertime decorations of trees, greens, and pinecones, are a natural match with a cabin fever decor.
Bringing cabin fever to your home can be a rewarding basis for an ever-changing selection of nature and seasonal themes, while still keeping the warm, familiar feel of a place that can endure.