Andrea Haase Art

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Framed Vintage Shells
Vintage Shells
by Andrea Haase
20" x 20" Frame
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Price: $138.59 
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Andrea Haase (Born 1964) is an artist who developed a strong interest in colors, structures, and creative works. She took some architectural studies back in the days, bringing her attention to space, composition, and the effects of color in space. Andrea has gained a lot of experience as a result of her consistency in creating art and learned of many artistic ideas from her travels in different countries. Her many travels abroad provided her with a wider view of art and became part of strong influence in her art. They have provided her with a collection of thoughts, contacts, and ideas that have all combined to feature in her canvas. She worked under the pseudonym “d'Anegada” for some time during her career, having gotten it from one of her Caribbean island trips. Besides being a painter, Andrea has also been sharing with people on different artistic ideas. She’s been sharing through the many books she’s published over the years. After her many travels across the globe, she has settled back in Berlin where she still continues to create art. Andrea covers several different subjects and often uses text to add to her messages. Her art pieces have been exhibited on diverse platforms where she travels and several of them having been collected by high profile collectors. They are found in homes and offices in Germany, the Caribbean, among other global locations. To those who would like to get ready to hang art for their interiors, there are numerous framed Andrea Haase art pieces in a number of galleries for them.
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