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Framed J. F. Blondel Wall Art

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Framed Antique Decorative Gate III
Antique Decorative Gate III
by J. F. Blondel
38" x 26" Frame
Price: $352.79 
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J. F. Blondel (Born 1705 – Died 1774) was born in Rouen, France. He was born into an architectural family was reared by an uncle. Blondel had an art school which was the first institution to teach architecture in Paris. Blondel first taught in his own school for more than 10 years. In the course of his teaching, he influenced such students as the William Chambers (Scottish architect), Richard Mique (French architect), Pieter de Swart (Dutch architect), and Christian Weinlig (German architect) who was a member of the Dresden Neoclassical school. Blondel was best for his writing and teaching which contributed greatly to the taste of his time, especially the architectural theory. He compiled his plans and lectures in the colossal Cours d’architecture and these became his most important contribution to 18th-century learning. And at the invitation of Jean le Rond d’Alembert and Denis Diderot, he wrote the architecture section for the Encyclopédie. This is the work that set forth the Enlightenment’s rationalist philosophy. In the same period he came up with a comprehensive plan for the decoration of the centre of Metz, including the Hôtel de Ville. The work was in 12 volumes and it was completed by Pierre Patte, the French writer, architect, and engraver. His works still cause a lot of excitement among students and teachers of art. The framed J. F. Blondel art are mainly found in architectural institutions. They have also found their way into any galleries and museums. Initially, Blondel went along with the Rococo ornamentation but he eventually turned against it.
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