August is here! It’s time to think about redecorating the dorm room. Dorm room art is just as diverse as college students, and there is a lot to choose from! But how do you decorate a room when you have two opinions to appease? Dorm room art can be universally appealing and overwhelmingly cool if you know what you’re looking for. Let’s take a quick tour of some college-student-approved choices.
Banksy: A Dorm Room Art Favorite
Banksy creates edgy, thought-provoking art that any rebellious college student can get behind. College is a time to explore new ideas and push the envelope… why not do the same with your wall decor?
Who is Banksy? No one really knows. Banksy is an anonymous street artist thought to be from England. Since the 1990s, Banksy’s hart has appeared everywhere from street corners to bridges in countries across the world. Banksy usually uses a graffiti technique utilizing spray paint and stenciling. The subject of the art revolves around political and social commentary, with occasionally irreverent images and words.
Banksy’s art is now a worldwide phenomenon, with followers in countries spanning the globe. Young adults and college students love the challenging, rebellious themes Banksy embraces. The walls of a dorm room can become a statement against the man with some well-chosen Banksy art.
Off-Beat City Art
Many students adorn the walls of their dorm room with art from their hometown. But funky framed art from any city is a great addition to the dorm room wall. In their college years, students dream of the travels of their future. Whether it’s the streets of Paris or the Australian Outback, dorm room art depicting the possibilities of future adventures is sure to be a hit.
Planning to study abroad? Look for framed art inspired by your destination! Art is a great reminder of what you have experienced in the past, and how it may shape your education and occupation in the future. City skylines are a popular choice, but if you’re looking for art from a lesser-known destination, check out the photography section. Photography from all over the world can be found at!
Graphic Novels Hit the Walls
Looking for the perfect combination of images and words the represents who you are? An exert from a graphic novel is a cool, fresh way to hit decoration and self-expression requirements at the same time. Even if they’re not from a comic you’re familiar with, the sassy, witty quips of graphic novel characters may be able to convey the message you want to send your dorm room guests… like this well-stated message below.
Every dorm room needs some good decorations. Framed dorm room art shows your roommate… and all your roommate’s friends… what you stand for. And what you stand for is really awesome art!