BLACK FRIDAY is coming!

BLACK FRIDAY is coming! How do you prep for the biggest shopping day of the year? Allow us to suggest a simple, 5-step process. Follow this ritual and you’ll feel limbered up and ready for the big day. (You might also cut your stress level in half!)

Black Friday

Do your Black Friday Research

Remember back in the olden days when preparing for a paper or a big test meant sitting at a table with 20 open books? Well, conjure up that image… but with Black Friday Sale flyers instead. You could go the modern route and look things up online, but what’s the fun in that? Gather up all your Black Friday sale literature and a cup of your favorite beverage, and get your facts straight.

Sales are starting earlier (or later) than usual this year, so make sure you know when the best time is to hit your favorite places. Type-A shoppers, feel free to make a spreadsheet. It will help you sleep better.

black friday

Make a List

Your mother always told you never to go grocery shopping without a list, or you’d make impulsive purchases… right? Right. The same goes for Black Friday. Know what you are going for so you can focus when it comes to game time! If you want to get really detailed, lay out your priorities, and the order in which you want to pursue them. This works even if you’re shopping online! You can’t be two places at once!

black friday

Check it Twice

Yes, it’s time to channel your inner Santa. As you (and your fickle family members) start browsing the advertisements, there are sure to be some changing minds. Make sure you have your story straight before you hit the stores. You want to avoid standing in return lines if at all possible, right? Get it right the first time!

black friday

Take Advantage of Black Friday Early-Bird Specials

Want to get some of your shopping out of the way before Friday? Who doesn’t (especially if you can do it online!) Take advantage of all of the early-bird specials that you can. Some sites have already started! Yes, is one of them! Use the code EARLYBIRD to save up to 70% off! (But that’s enough about us…)

black friday

Take a Break, Get Some Rest

Remember: Thanksgiving weekend is about more than shopping. We know, it’s easy to forget, but take time to be with your family, and get the rest that we all need! (May the piece below by Rembrandt be your inspiration!) The sales will be waiting for you when the turkey has been gobbled up!


The biggest shopping day of the year doesn’t have to be stressful! Get all your prep in before Thursday so you can really sit back and enjoy the holiday! No matter who you are, there is something to be thankful for. Take a moment, and feel the love.