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Texas Framed Art

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423 Items
Framed Texas
by Moira Hershey
31" x 31" Frame
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Price: $334.59 
Framed Texas Wild
Texas Wild
by Nathan Larson
25" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $163.79 
Framed Texas Printer Block I
Texas Printer Block I
by Tara Reed
18" x 18" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $131.59 
Framed Texas Printer Block II
Texas Printer Block II
by Tara Reed
19" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $138.59 
Framed Texas Printer Block III
Texas Printer Block III
by Tara Reed
18" x 18" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $126.69 
Framed Ballpark - Arlington, Texas (Night)
Ballpark - Arlington, Texas (Night)
by Mike Smith
33" x 29" Frame
Price: $298.89 
Framed Houston, Texas - Enron Field
Houston, Texas - Enron Field
by Mike Smith
35" x 29" Frame
Price: $300.99 
Framed Grapevine Lake, Texas
Grapevine Lake, Texas
by Nikolo Balkanski
43" x 18" Frame
Price: $288.39 
Framed West Texas Scapes II
West Texas Scapes II
by Sonja Quintero
31" x 25" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $269.49 
Framed West Texas Scapes I
West Texas Scapes I
by Sonja Quintero
31" x 25" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $269.49 
Framed Map of Texas
Map of Texas
by Vision Studio
36" x 36" Frame
Price: $594.29 
Framed Marfa, Texas (BW)
Marfa, Texas (BW)
by Julian Lauren
25" x 20" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $163.09 
Framed Wildflower Field, Texas
Wildflower Field, Texas
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $299.59 
Framed Alamo, San Antonio, TX
Alamo, San Antonio, TX
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $298.89 
Framed Cowboys on horses at rodeo, Wichita Falls, Texas, USA
Cowboys on horses at rodeo, Wichita Falls, Texas, USA
by Panoramic Images
32" x 16" Frame
Price: $230.99 
Framed Field of Bluebonnet flowers, Texas, USA
Field of Bluebonnet flowers, Texas, USA
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
Price: $296.79 
Framed Skyscrapers against blue sky, Houston, Texas, USA
Skyscrapers against blue sky, Houston, Texas, USA
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
Price: $296.79 
Framed USA, Texas, Austin, Panoramic view of a city skyline (Black And White)
USA, Texas, Austin, Panoramic view of a city skyline (Black And White)
by Panoramic Images
43" x 24" Frame
Price: $319.19 
Framed Dallas Texas USA
Dallas Texas USA
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
Price: $296.79 
Framed Austin TX USA
Austin TX USA
by Panoramic Images
34" x 16" Frame
Price: $236.59 
Framed Buildings in a city, Town Lake, Austin, Texas, USA
Buildings in a city, Town Lake, Austin, Texas, USA
by Panoramic Images
34" x 16" Frame
Price: $236.59 
Framed Indian Paintbrush & Bluebonnets TX
Indian Paintbrush & Bluebonnets TX
by Panoramic Images
43" x 18" Frame
Price: $291.19 
Framed Texas Greetings
Texas Greetings
18" x 14" Frame
Price: $125.29 
Framed Texas Greetings
Texas Greetings
25" x 19" Frame
Price: $161.69 
Framed Texas Steer Collage
Texas Steer Collage
by Sisa Jasper
37" x 25" Frame
Price: $310.09 
Framed Bishop Art - Dallas
Bishop Art - Dallas
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Lakewood Bikes - Dallas
Lakewood Bikes - Dallas
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Greenville & Matilda - Dallas
Greenville & Matilda - Dallas
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Signs of Dallas
Signs of Dallas
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Austin Bus
Austin Bus
by Sisa Jasper
42" x 24" Frame
Price: $356.29 
Framed Alamo Flag
Alamo Flag
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 37" Frame
Price: $372.39 
Framed Weatherford St. Ft. Worth
Weatherford St. Ft. Worth
by Sisa Jasper
39" x 31" Frame
Price: $384.29 
Framed Southside - Ft. Worth
Southside - Ft. Worth
by Sisa Jasper
39" x 31" Frame
Price: $384.29 
Framed Vickery Bars - Ft. Worth
Vickery Bars - Ft. Worth
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Trinity Trails - Ft. Worth
Trinity Trails - Ft. Worth
by Sisa Jasper
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $331.79 
Framed Logans Falls
Logans Falls
by Andy Crawford Photography
25" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $158.89 
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423 Items

Framed Texas Art

The Lone Star State and the second-largest in the United States, Texas is also one of the most populous one while having the longest international border with Mexico. Austin is the state capital, but the cities of Houston, San Antonio and Dallas are the ones that appear most often in Framed Texas Art provided by FramedArt.com. Over the course of time, the state got fully integrated into the federal system, but it still cherishes its legacy as a former independent republic who struggled for many years to gain independence.
The vast landmass of Texas can provide visitors with the chance to explore diverse landscapes, with Framed Texas Art capturing features specific to the American Southwest and south. Contrary to popular belief, only a small fraction of its territory is actually desert, with the vast majority being covered in grasslands, prairies and even forests. Traveling from the eastern border into the western one is a memorable experience, with tourists getting to admire everything from tiny woods to swamps and deserts.

Collectors can find panoramic images of Dallas and Houston, with their iconic skyline coming to life at the early hours of evening when the lights are turned on. Meanwhile, Framed Texas Art dedicated to the countryside includes famous paintings, such as Texas Spring authored by Robert Wood. The Texas bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes can be admired in paintings that brilliantly succeed at capturing the unique charm of these fields of flowers.
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