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Obama Art

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32 Items
Framed Change
by Keith Mallett
19" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $149.09 
Framed Believe
by Keith Mallett
31" x 43" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $367.49 
Framed Obama Inauguration: Living the Dream
Obama Inauguration: Living the Dream
by Wishum Gregory
18" x 22" Frame
Price: $149.09 
Framed Obama Inauguration: Hope, Change, Unity
Obama Inauguration: Hope, Change, Unity
by Wishum Gregory
18" x 22" Frame
Price: $149.09 
Framed Barack Obama: Yes We Can
Barack Obama: Yes We Can
23" x 27" Frame
Price: $223.29 
Framed Barack and Michelle Obama
Barack and Michelle Obama
by Tonya Jones
20" x 26" Frame
Price: $159.59 
Framed Barack Obama
Barack Obama
by H. Abavista
19" x 25" Frame
Price: $158.89 
Framed American History
American History
by Sterling Brown
19" x 22" Frame
Price: $154.69 
Framed Barack Obama: Change
Barack Obama: Change
by Anthony Armstrong
28" x 23" Frame
Price: $238.69 
Framed President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
by Gregory Wishum
27" x 31" Frame
Price: $275.09 
Framed Barack and Michelle Obama
Barack and Michelle Obama
by Tonya Jones
20" x 26" Frame
Price: $159.59 
Framed Obama: Out of Many One: From Slavery to the Presidency
Obama: Out of Many One: From Slavery to the Presidency
by Wishum Gregory
26" x 31" Frame
Price: $277.19 
Framed Obama Inauguration: Hope, Change, Unity
Obama Inauguration: Hope, Change, Unity
by Gregory Wishum
19" x 22" Frame
Price: $151.19 
Framed Obama Inauguration: Living the Dream
Obama Inauguration: Living the Dream
by Gregory Wishum
19" x 22" Frame
Price: $150.49 
Framed In Our Lifetime
In Our Lifetime
by Kevin A. Williams - WAK
31" x 41" Frame
Price: $337.39 
Framed Hope: Barack Obama
Hope: Barack Obama
by Sarah Jenkins
19" x 25" Frame
Price: $151.89 
Framed Barack Obama - RFK Prophetic Quote, 1968
Barack Obama - RFK Prophetic Quote, 1968
by Tonya Jones
20" x 23" Frame
Price: $155.39 
Framed Barack Obama - Spiritually Aligned
Barack Obama - Spiritually Aligned
by Edwin Lester
14" x 16" Frame
Price: $114.09 
Framed Barack Obama - Spiritually Aligned
Barack Obama - Spiritually Aligned
by Edwin Lester
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $230.99 
Framed Barack Obama - Historical Journey
Barack Obama - Historical Journey
by Andrew Nichols
26" x 23" Frame
Price: $238.69 
Framed Barack Obama: Yes We Can
Barack Obama: Yes We Can
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $136.49 
Framed Barack Obama:  Yes We Can
Barack Obama: Yes We Can
14" x 14" Frame
Price: $119.69 
Framed Barack Obama:  Yes We Can (crowd)
Barack Obama: Yes We Can (crowd)
17" x 14" Frame
Price: $123.19 
Framed Barack Obama:  Believe
Barack Obama: Believe
15" x 14" Frame
Price: $118.99 
Framed Barack Obama: Hope, Believe, Dream
Barack Obama: Hope, Believe, Dream
16" x 16" Frame
Price: $125.99 
Framed Barack Obama: Hope, Believe, Dream
Barack Obama: Hope, Believe, Dream
31" x 31" Frame
Price: $303.09 
Framed Barack Obama: Hope, Change
Barack Obama: Hope, Change
23" x 19" Frame
Price: $149.79 
Framed Barack Obama: Hope, Change
Barack Obama: Hope, Change
17" x 14" Frame
Price: $125.29 
Framed Barack Obama:  Believe
Barack Obama: Believe
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $136.49 
Framed Barack Obama:  Yes We Can (crowd)
Barack Obama: Yes We Can (crowd)
43" x 31" Frame
Price: $343.69 
Framed Barack Obama:  Yes We Can (crowd)
Barack Obama: Yes We Can (crowd)
27" x 23" Frame
Price: $227.49 
Framed President Barack Obama with Flag Tie
President Barack Obama with Flag Tie
by John Parrot/Stocktrek Images
34" x 37" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $361.89 
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32 Items

Obama Framed Art

True American… Why not express your love with these framed Obama art pictures? Barack Obama is the 44th as well as the current president of US as well as the first African American that holds the office. Obama was a community organizer before obtaining his law degree, after which he taught constitutional law and worked at a civil rights attorney. You wouldn’t think he would be the target of some creative artwork, but you should never underestimate artists!

The wide range collection of framed Obama art images feature Obama, his wife Michelle, as well as many other individuals alongside the president. The piece titled “Obama Mosaic” by Dana McCullough is a brilliant painting of the president standing in front of the American flag. The texture of Dana’s work makes the piece both unique and highly creative.
“Barack Obama – The Chicago Kid” is a lovely and colorful painting, which portrays the president as a Chicago Kid- as that’s where he spent most of his university years. Another creative piece is titled “Barack Obama – Obamaman”. The piece has it all from color, detail, and that touch of vibrancy.

The framed Obama art poster titled “2008 Barack Obama Portrait Plus” features the president in three contrasts, all of which look highly appealing and wonderfully creative. Such art work is perfect for a range of settings especially those where you’re bound to find Obama fans. All commercial, domestic, and even posh environments call for this type of art, which is simply fascinating and in some cases, highly motivating.
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Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze
29" x 19"
Price: $259.99
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Framed Abraham Lincoln, 1861
Abraham Lincoln, 1861
by Alexander Gardner
19" x 26"
Price: $233.99
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Framed Lincoln, Patriot Thug
Lincoln, Patriot Thug
by AbcArtAttack
19" x 23"
Price: $216.99
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Framed Calm after the Storm
Calm after the Storm
by Barry Kite
25" x 22"
Price: $320.99
Sale: $224.69
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