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Claude Theberge Art

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Framed Le Tulips Blanches
Le Tulips Blanches
by Claude Theberge
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $277.19 
Framed Une Nuit Au Pont Neuf
Une Nuit Au Pont Neuf
by Claude Theberge
31" x 24" Frame
Price: $275.09 
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Claude Theberge was born in Edmunston, New Brunswick. He began his lessons in painting as a child. He later joined the École des beaux-arts in Quebec where he studied Graphic Arts, under masters such as Gagnon, Dallaire, Plamondon, East, Jean-Paul Lemieux and Bastien. The artist found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of studying in Europe through an international posters, prints and art competition organized by the United Nations in 1952. Theberge was awarded 1st Prize among 65,000 contestants. He took full advantage of his stay in France. And at the inter-university exhibition in Berlin, he had the opportunity to represent the Cité Universitaire de Paris. He was selected by Georges Braque. When he returned to Quebec, he applied the theory of the socialization between different artistic expressions and their inter-relationship. He sought to share his views and knowledge by teaching. Theberge has created remarkable works which are found in leading corporations and public spaces in his Quebec. During his long career, he has received several awards. His prints, posters and art form part of many private and corporate collections as well as the permanent collection of museums around the world. Theberge produces art in a variety of finishing options including ready to hang framed Claude Theberge art. In the 1980s, after an extraordinary and long abstract period, the artist returned to figurative art. Today, Theberge continues to produce wonderful pieces of art using his unique style. It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is; whether it is a flower, a marina, a passionate lover’s scene, a cityscape or a landscape the inherent purity of his posters, art and prints is a constant.
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