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Jeffrey C. Sink Art

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4 Items
Framed Brothers For Life
Brothers For Life
by Jeffrey C. Sink
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $171.19 
Framed Cheetah Alpine Glow
Cheetah Alpine Glow
by Jeffrey C. Sink
25" x 18" Frame
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Price: $165.59 
Framed Weathering The Amboseli Dust Devils
Weathering The Amboseli Dust Devils
by Jeffrey C. Sink
25" x 17" Frame
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Price: $163.19 
Framed Kilimanjaro And The Quiet Sentinels
Kilimanjaro And The Quiet Sentinels
by Jeffrey C. Sink
18" x 24" Frame
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Price: $172.79 
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4 Items
Jeffrey C. Sink is a photographer whose works emulates those of Anup Shah, the Kenyan photographer who focuses on the landscapes and wildlife of India and Africa. He’s also a basketball coach and school teacher based in Southern California. In summers he leads photographic safaris to Alaska and East Africa. For him to get his extraordinary pictures, Sink is drawn to the immense African landscapes and rough wilderness of Alaska. His photography is his true passion. Sink looks for images that excite the soul and inspire the need to travel in everyone. He does not only take pictures, but he also shares his love for taking pictures with others by leading photo safaris in Africa. Sink employs this perfection to catch the out of the ordinary scenes on film. And by doing this, he’s able to thrill his fans of art photography. Since he not only knows how but also where to take amazing photographs, his safaris are in high demand. Sink is a "sharpness freak" and he’s only satisfied with an image if he feels it’s close to tack sharpness. With each picture, Sink wants to catch the soul of his subjects and the beauty of nature itself, right down to the smallest detail. He employs his perfection to capture unique scenes on film, and by doing so he’s able to thrill fans of art photography from all over the world. Framed Jeffrey C. Sink art are very popular. Sink wants to inspire the viewers so they can travel far and wide, and to be happy in the diversity of African nature.
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