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Carolyn Shores-Wright Art

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Carolyn Shores Wright is a painter known for her unique sensitive artistic styles that distinguish her creative works. She has a powerful way of combining her personality and whimsy to deliver artistic works that have for years gained admiration from many quarters. Carolyn mainly started painting when her sons had hit their teenage years; at least then she would get more time to focus on art making. During the period, her main mediums were acrylics and oils, but she later changed after her husband gifted her with watercolor paints. There was no turning back. Carolyn has worked with a variety of clients in her art licensing business, with several of her creative pieces being used to create products such as fabrics, t-shirts, greeting cards, stationery, and more. A few of the partners she's worked with in her licensing business are Harvest House Publishers, Raz Imports, Crown Point Graphics, Art Brands, Danbury Mint, and JQ Greetings. Besides working with these licensing partners, her works have been used in making greeting cards for promotional purposes for use by organizations such as Yankee Magazine, Military Officers Association of America, Audubon Society, Retired Officers Association, and the National Geographic. She covers several different subjects, including figures, flowers, and animals. Carolyn’s years of experience have seen her master the use of colors and diverse shades, enabling her to best express depth and fully display the important elements of her subjects. Her works are widely sold and can be found in different galleries. Framed Carolyn Shores-Wright art pieces are also availed in case a customer wants ready to hang art.
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