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Noel Saunier Art

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4 Items
Framed L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
by Noel Saunier
29" x 41" Frame
Price: $400.79 
Framed Cafes Chocolats
Cafes Chocolats
by Noel Saunier
33" x 46" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $466.39 
Framed L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
by Noel Saunier
13" x 17" Frame
Price: $139.19 
Framed L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats, 1935
by Noel Saunier
18" x 24" Frame
Price: $178.39 
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4 Items
Noel Saunier (Born 1847) has participated in many group and solo exhibitions around the world and is and internationally collected artist. He was the son of Charles Saunier and it was his father who gave him his first training in art. He was also taught by Pils Isidore in Paris at the École des Beaux-Arts. Saunier’s strong play of expressive pattern, color and form is a result of his continuing exploration of the traditional art styles. His slack elucidation of modern-day life creates melodious artistic pieces which are characterized by an exuberance of color and movement. His studies were interrupted when the Franco-Prussian war broke out, but when the hostilities subsided, he decided to leave the academic instruction and began his artistic education afresh, studying the human figure in nature and plein air painting. The artist is inspired by the emotional reactions present in the natural world. The deep-toned colors, the movements in the sky, and the reaction of the earth underneath, combine to bring the subjects he never tires of. He first exhibited in 1870 at the Paris Salon and in the same year entered the competition for the Prix de Rome. His next Salon exhibition was in 1872. He would like his viewers to bring their own reflections or impressions to the painting without being taken there directly, by him. His goal is to communicate the essence of his subjects. However, he leaves some of the imagination to the viewer. Framed Noel Saunier art are easily recognizable because of his choice of attractive frames.
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