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Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images Art

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48 Items
Framed M17, The Omega Nebula
M17, The Omega Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.19 
Framed NGC 6960, The Western Veil Nebula
NGC 6960, The Western Veil Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.99 
Framed H-Alpha Sun Promimence
H-Alpha Sun Promimence
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
31" x 25" Frame
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Price: $248.79 
Framed Half-Moon
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
29" x 41" Frame
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Price: $351.99 
Framed IC 1848, Soul Nebula
IC 1848, Soul Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed NGC 281, the Pacman Nebula
NGC 281, the Pacman Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Pickering's Triangular Wisp
Pickering's Triangular Wisp
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed California Nebula
California Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Christmas Tree Nebula
Christmas Tree Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Three Quarter Moon
Three Quarter Moon
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
34" x 36" Frame
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Price: $354.39 
Framed Messier 3
Messier 3
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $246.39 
Framed H-alpha Sun in Red
H-alpha Sun in Red
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 26" Frame
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Price: $249.59 
Framed Four Phases of the Moon
Four Phases of the Moon
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
26" x 31" Frame
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Price: $246.39 
Framed Size of Comet Holmes in comparison with the Moon
Size of Comet Holmes in comparison with the Moon
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
26" x 20" Frame
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Price: $181.59 
Framed Comet Holmes
Comet Holmes
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
26" x 20" Frame
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Price: $181.59 
Framed Comet C2009/P1 Garradd
Comet C2009/P1 Garradd
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
23" x 23" Frame
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Price: $188.79 
Framed Comet Hartley 2 and the Double Cluster
Comet Hartley 2 and the Double Cluster
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
28" x 28" Frame
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Price: $258.39 
Framed Wild Duck Cluster in the Constellation Scutum
Wild Duck Cluster in the Constellation Scutum
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
41" x 29" Frame
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Price: $351.99 
Framed Double Cluster in the Constellation Perseus
Double Cluster in the Constellation Perseus
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
41" x 29" Frame
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Price: $351.99 
Framed Star Trails around Polaris in the Constellation Ursa Minor
Star Trails around Polaris in the Constellation Ursa Minor
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
41" x 29" Frame
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Price: $351.99 
Framed Constellation Cygnus with multiple nebulae visible
Constellation Cygnus with multiple nebulae visible
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Eagle Nebula in the Constellation Serpens
Eagle Nebula in the Constellation Serpens
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Crescent Nebula with Soap-Bubble Nebula I
Crescent Nebula with Soap-Bubble Nebula I
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.19 
Framed Elephant Trunk Nebula II
Elephant Trunk Nebula II
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.19 
Framed Flaming Star Nebula II
Flaming Star Nebula II
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.19 
Framed Tadpole Nebula II
Tadpole Nebula II
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.19 
Framed NGC 6992, The Eastern Veil Nebula
NGC 6992, The Eastern Veil Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $247.99 
Framed Elephant Trunk Nebula I
Elephant Trunk Nebula I
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
34" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $248.79 
Framed Dumbbell Nebula II
Dumbbell Nebula II
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
33" x 24" Frame
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Price: $248.79 
Framed Widefield view of the Crescent Nebula
Widefield view of the Crescent Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
39" x 31" Frame
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Price: $351.99 
Framed California Nebula III
California Nebula III
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Crescent Nebula with Soap-Bubble Nebula II
Crescent Nebula with Soap-Bubble Nebula II
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
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Price: $527.99 
Framed Elephant Trunk Nebula III
Elephant Trunk Nebula III
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $527.99 
Framed Flaming Star Nebula I
Flaming Star Nebula I
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $527.99 
Framed Heart Nebula
Heart Nebula
by Rolf Geissinger/Stocktrek Images
35" x 35" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $527.99 
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48 Items
Rolf Geissinger (Born in 1966) was born in southern Germany. This is where he was raised and still lives to date. He has been an artist for many years and has managed to attract a huge following of loyal fans that are always on the lookout for his new pieces of art. One of his biggest hobbies is astronomy which he has been practicing since 2003. He specializes in deep-sky astro-photography and dedicates much of his time to this area. Geissinger is represented by Stocktrek Images, a stock photo agency bringing together renowned photographers from all over the world. He’s not doing astronomy as a science, but basically from pleasure and interest in practical observation. He loves the beauty provided by nature and the best way to appreciate this is to capture this beauty with his camera. His compositions are musical and pure, and his subjects are well selected. He wants the viewers to get the best and also to share in the happiness he feels when he’s capturing the images. The photographer uses a personal approach to his art and goes into the most in-depth detail of the subjects. That’s why his art always looks fresh and in agreement with the modern trends. With his photographs, he unobtrusively and modestly touches the deepest part of the souls of the viewers, distinguishing his images at glance. Many clients are spellbound by his art which are science-oriented and are free from simple artistic restraints. Today framed Rolf Geissinger art hang on the walls of many prestigious spaces around the world.
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