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Framed Christian Peacock Wall Art

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Framed Spiral Staircase in Arc de Triomphe
Spiral Staircase in Arc de Triomphe
by Christian Peacock
25" x 19" Frame
Price: $158.19 
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For Christian Peacock, the allure of photography came at the early age of five. He got tremendous support from his father who encouraged him to continue practicing art. Starting photography at such a young age gave him the power to observe and participate. He has become so keen to detail and is able to capture precious moments that can be ignored by many photographers. He has learned to create photographs that capture memorable moments either with his personal interrelationships with people or with his encounter with a place. These photos help tell the story of photographic life. Peacock moved to New York City in the 1980’s to begin his professional photography career. In the early 1990’s he returned to the Bay Area. During that time he made his first trip to Paris where his talent for black-and-white imagery took full effect with the surrounding urban vistas and architectural details. Peacock’s award-winning photographs have been recognized throughout the world as fine art prints and posters. He has continued to capture the beauty of environment exploring the Berkeley City Club’s historic Julia Morgan landmark, and other such projects in Northern California. In addition to his environmental photography work, Peacock continues his commissioned photography career with advertising agencies and major corporations from around the world. He participates regularly as producer and host of guest speaker series at the Apple Store San Francisco. He is also the chair of the San Francisco chapter of the APA. Framed Christian Peacock art are in great demand and are being sold in large numbers.
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