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Laura Nathan Art

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8 Items
Framed Damask Bath I
Damask Bath I
by Laura Nathan
15" x 25" Frame
Price: $186.29 
Framed Damask Bath II
Damask Bath II
by Laura Nathan
15" x 25" Frame
Price: $170.99 
Framed Spice Jars I
Spice Jars I
by Laura Nathan
26" x 16" Frame
Price: $179.99 
Framed Spice Jars II
Spice Jars II
by Laura Nathan
25" x 15" Frame
Price: $175.49 
Framed Shell on Stripes I
Shell on Stripes I
by Laura Nathan
21" x 18" Frame
Price: $175.49 
Framed Shell on Stripes II
Shell on Stripes II
by Laura Nathan
22" x 18" Frame
Price: $176.39 
Framed Shell on Stripes III - light
Shell on Stripes III - light
by Laura Nathan
21" x 18" Frame
Price: $174.59 
Framed Shell on Stripes IV - light
Shell on Stripes IV - light
by Laura Nathan
21" x 18" Frame
Price: $174.59 
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8 Items
Laura Nathan’s current textiles works focus on the creation on cards and stitched paper artwork. She also creates portrait paintings and hand stitched textiles pieces. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Embroidery and a Master of Arts degree in Environmental Studies. Since graduating in 2007 Laura embarked on a community arts career. From 2007 to 2009 she worked in community service where her roles included being Artist in Residence in Salford for two Big Life Centre's resulting in permanent art installation for the Willow Tree Centre, Schools and Community Education Officer for the You and Anne Frank exhibition in Manchester Cathedral, and Art Facilitator of the Zion Arts Centre. Between 2009 and 2012, her roles included Permanent 3D workshop leader for Venture Arts (she was working with people with learning disabilities), "Looping the Loop", working with "Pulling Together Asian Women's Group - Cultural Olympiad commission, and International Women's Day co-ordinator for the Jewish and Muslim Forum of Greater Manchester. Laura was always drawn towards the fusion of textiles practice and fine art, so much so that she transferred from a Fine Art degree in London to Embroidery degree in Manchester where she felt she could get the best of both worlds. She layers recycled, vintage and fabrics with hand made papers to create bold and quirky images. More of her artwork can be seen online, and she hopes viewers enjoy looking through her artwork. Her art is available as framed Laura Nathan art. The awards she has received include Fiber Arts award and the MAstars award.
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