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Pier Francesco Morazzone Art

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Framed Angel Musicians
Angel Musicians
by Pier Francesco Morazzone
29" x 23" Frame
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Price: $262.79 
Framed Banquet
by Pier Francesco Morazzone
35" x 18" Frame
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Price: $260.99 
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Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli was an Italian painter of Baroque era in Milan. He was born in 1573 in Morazzone, Lombardy. His father, a mason, moved to Rome and soon after Pier Francesco’s birth. Pier Francesco liked art at an early age, and while in Rome, he was influenced by Cavalier D’Arpino and Ventura Salimbeni and began to work in a Mannerist style. His style also shows exposure to Caravaggio, another pupil of D'Arpino. In Rome, Pier Francesco painted his first frescoes a Visitation and Adoration by the Magi as well as some canvases. His depiction of ecstasy and martyrdom is imbued with the morbid religiosity similar to that of Lombardy in his age. In 1597, Francesco returned to Milan and while in Lombardy, he worked in some of the Sacri Monti of the Alps and painted frescoes for the Cappella del Rosario in San Vittore in Varese. He began by painting the Ascent to Calvary in a chapel in the Sacro Monte and developed to a more dramatic style. His work here was mainly influenced by Gaudenzio Ferrari. In 1608, Francesco completed the Flagellation chapel then returned to Varallo for the Ecce Homo chapel. The last work he did in this series was the Porziuncola chapel in Sacro Monte. His other frescoes include some Prophets in the Piacenza Cathedral and the Cappella della Buona Morte in San Gaudenzio in Novara. He also painted canvases for private collectors and altarpieces for many churches in Northern Italy. Some of his works were completed by Bolognese painter Guercino after his death. There are several galleries that stock framed Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli art that are ready to be mounted. His works can also be found in canvas, lamination, and prints across the globe.
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