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Framed Country Terry Lawrence Wall Art

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Framed English Countryside III
English Countryside III
by Terry Lawrence
31" x 18" Frame
Price: $183.39 
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Terry Lawrence (Born 1952) was born in St Louis, MO. His major influences are not many but significant. The first influence was Isamu Noguchi, followed by his work with public art, gardens, light, and stone. Lawrence is a Buddhist and is also moved by Zen minimalism of Japan and the understanding of positive and negative space, less as more, and the impact of a single object in stillness. He was raised in a military family and lived both in the states and abroad in what for many years was an unpredictable and uprooted existence. Lawrence liked to draw and this became the companion that sustained him and accompanied him, and also set the stage for what was to follow – his career. The artist feels a deep spiritual cord to Aboriginal art and culture. In his own process and dedication to being a steward of life, he experiences this ancient lineage of art. Lawrence is well known in the Brooklyn art scene. He has held numerous solo and group shows at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and others with Clinton Hill Arts Festival; the South of the Navy Yard Artists Association; Urban Glass; Kentler International Drawing Space; and Brooklyn’s Borough Hall. Lawrence was co-curator and co-director of two Brooklyn shows with Anders Knutsson, his fellow artist. He had a large solo show at Ramnarine Gallery and has shown at Affordable Art Show in New York City for multiple years. Framed Terry Lawrence art are available in many outlets all over the world.
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