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Dennis Kelly Art

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Framed Palm Beach II
Palm Beach II
by Dennis Kelly
17" x 19" Frame
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Price: $162.89 
Framed Palm Beach I
Palm Beach I
by Dennis Kelly
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $185.39 
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Dennis Kelly is a photographer whose love of art began at a very tender age. He was lucky to have a father who was very supportive. His journey as a photographer began when one day his parents gave him a black-and-white developing kit as a Christmas gift. Kelly set up a makeshift darkroom and was so excited to see his first image appear in the tray developer under the dim glow of the yellow safelight. From there he was hooked. Kelly and his father decided to build and photo enlarger using materials they got from a surplus store. He then started selling water ice and collecting soda bottles to earn money to buy chemicals, film and paper. His father once told him that “Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” He says he doesn’t know about that, but at least he admits that he’s fortunate to always be happy and excited to go to work every day. His love for photography followed him into high school and college, where he was assigned to do photography work for the school newspaper and yearbooks. He got a job at a local studio near his house, sweeping floors, working in the darkroom, assisting anywhere he could, and in the process sucking up knowledge like a vacuum cleaner. He has gained a lot of experience and today he’s regarded as one of the best photographers in the world. Framed Dennis Kelly art are today found in almost all corners of the world.
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