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Jimmy Hoffman Art

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7 Items
Framed Duet
by Jimmy Hoffman
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $201.59 
Framed Vulture
by Jimmy Hoffman
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $201.59 
Framed Medioluto Nortea A
Medioluto Nortea A
by Jimmy Hoffman
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $203.39 
Framed Macaon
by Jimmy Hoffman
25" x 18" Frame
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Price: $199.79 
Framed Polyphemus
by Jimmy Hoffman
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $201.59 
Framed Papallona Rei
Papallona Rei
by Jimmy Hoffman
19" x 25" Frame
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Price: $201.59 
Framed Encounter
by Jimmy Hoffman
19" x 23" Frame
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Price: $190.79 
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7 Items
Originally from the Netherlands, Jimmy Hoffman is a photographer who today lives in Spain. Using his creativity, he wants to unveil a world that’s hidden in our reality and he also wants to show those who view his art the aesthetics of this world. Delicate and tiny attractions like butterflies and other insects do challenge his creativity. He believes that every single detail comes into its own, whether it’s color or a pattern. This way, his photos lead his viewers into a folk tale-like world of the fragile and tiny. Therefore, it’s no surprise that his images enrich, amongst others, the National Geographic and his art has also been awarded several times. Hoffman was born in an artistic family, father also loved to take pictures of the local fauna and flora and he’s the one who greatly influenced Hoffman. He especially loves the immense diversity of life in Central America and Asia. His use of color his keenness to detail enables him to make reference to time through his photography, something many photographers cannot achieve. His photographs remain powerful pieces that he sells through reputable art outlets. Hoffman found his love for insects - his favorite subjects –– as well as his love for photography already in his home country. Framed Jimmy Hoffman art are stocked by some of the leading art stores in the world. His art is also availed through many online stores. His first camera was Pentax, but today he uses a digital Canon, a camera which is always on board whenever he’s starting a tour traveling around the globe.
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