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Lattanzio Gambara Art

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Framed Study for a Ceiling
Study for a Ceiling
by Lattanzio Gambara
23" x 27" Frame
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Price: $278.39 
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Lattanzio Gambara was born in 1530 in Brescia. He was an Italian painter who was very active in Mannerist and Renaissance styles. In 1545 when he was just 15 years of age, Gambara was discovered by Giulio Campi, a Cremonese painter who took him to Cremona as his pupil and taught him Emilian and Lombard Mannerist style which was then very fashionable. In 1549, Gambara returned to Brescia where he worked alongside Girolamo Gambara who later became his father-in-law. A prolific fresco draftsman and, painter Gambara became Brescia's leading artist after his teacher's death in 1560. From 1567 to 1573, he lived in Parma where he worked on one of his most significant frescoes - the internal facade and nave arcade of Parma cathedral. He worked in collaboration with Bernardino Gatti, a Cremonese painter. He then returned to Brescia to begin frescoes for a church there. He decorated Palazzo Mayo in Cadignano, painted altar pieces for abbey of St. Benedict, Polirone, and painted a Nativity for the church of San Faustino, Brescia. He executed various other frescoes for palaces in Parma and, Brescia including a Deposition for the church of San Pietro al Po, Cremona. Gambara died in 1574 soon after a fall from scaffolding in the church vault. He died before completing the frescoes of the cupola of S. Lorenzo in Brescia. Lattanzio Gambara’s style combined monumental qualities and decorative elegance with complex foreshortening. In time, he exchanged many of the energetic aspects of his Mannerism for a more classicizing orientation. Those who would like to purchase laminated, canvas, or framed Lattanzio Gambara art for interior design can get them in several galleries and art outlets.
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