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Michael Faragher Art

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8 Items
Framed Lilies
by Michael Faragher
39" x 17" Frame
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Price: $249.19 
Framed Harmony
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $130.89 
Framed Spring Bells I
Spring Bells I
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $130.89 
Framed Spring Bells II
Spring Bells II
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $130.19 
Framed Cinq ventails
Cinq ventails
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $130.89 
Framed Sundials
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $131.59 
Framed Focus
by Michael Faragher
18" x 18" Frame
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Price: $131.59 
Framed Sisters
by Michael Faragher
18" x 17" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $129.49 
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8 Items
Michael Faragher is a photography artist who specializes in floral art. He grew up traveling across the world due to her family's military background. This took him to places like Canada, Spain, France, America, and Germany, residing in all of them at one point in his life. Faragher’s love of art made him keen on the works of other artists and was impressed and influenced by the works of artists such as O'keefe, Weston, and Mapplethorpe. In one way or the other, all these artists have had some level of positive influence in his works. His focus on floral photography has made it possible for him to capture images with a deeper view of the complexities that most people miss when they look at the flowers. While many look at the larger shape and color, there are deeper patterns and texture that he manages to capture. Even though the details he captures may seem too complex, he presents with a great level of simplicity. Faragher ensures that he represents every aspect of a flower in its unique way. He tries to bring the viewers' attention, not just to the subject itself, but also to the depth of every flower, providing the viewer with a deeper understanding of the subject. Faragher specializes in black and white photography so as to create an imaginary blank to allow the viewers to have their interpretation and put their "emotional colors" that represent their unique take on every art piece. His art have been exhibited in art shows, galleries, and collections. Framed Michael Faragher art are also selling in galleries for those who need ready art for decoration.
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