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Sydenham Edwards Art

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55 Items
Framed Cottage Florals I
Cottage Florals I
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Cottage Florals III
Cottage Florals III
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Framboise Floral IV
Framboise Floral IV
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $274.39 
Framed Vintage Birds on a Branch I
Vintage Birds on a Branch I
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 24" Frame
Price: $206.39 
Framed Vintage Birds on a Branch II
Vintage Birds on a Branch II
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 24" Frame
Price: $207.19 
Framed Tropical Beauty III
Tropical Beauty III
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 22" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Tropical Beauty IV
Tropical Beauty IV
by Sydenham Edwards
24" x 19" Frame
Price: $187.19 
Framed Cottage Florals II
Cottage Florals II
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Cottage Florals IV
Cottage Florals IV
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Cottage Florals V
Cottage Florals V
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Cottage Florals VI
Cottage Florals VI
by Sydenham Edwards
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $217.59 
Framed Gardener's Delight I
Gardener's Delight I
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Gardener's Delight II
Gardener's Delight II
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Gardener's Delight III
Gardener's Delight III
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Gardener's Delight IV
Gardener's Delight IV
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Gardener's Delight V
Gardener's Delight V
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $201.59 
Framed Gardener's Delight VI
Gardener's Delight VI
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $201.59 
Framed Gardener's Delight VII
Gardener's Delight VII
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Gardener's Delight VIII
Gardener's Delight VIII
by Sydenham Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.79 
Framed Deer & Moose
Deer & Moose
by Sydenham Edwards
24" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Brown Bear & Polar Bear
Brown Bear & Polar Bear
by Sydenham Edwards
24" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Golden Crown Imperial
Golden Crown Imperial
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 32" Frame
Price: $281.59 
Framed Heron & Crane Species I
Heron & Crane Species I
by Sydenham Edwards
30" x 36" Frame
Price: $335.99 
Framed Heron & Crane Species II
Heron & Crane Species II
by Sydenham Edwards
28" x 34" Frame
Price: $331.19 
Framed Ornithology I
Ornithology I
by Sydenham Edwards
29" x 36" Frame
Price: $329.59 
Framed Ornithology II
Ornithology II
by Sydenham Edwards
28" x 34" Frame
Price: $330.39 
Framed Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden I
Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden I
by Sydenham Edwards
25" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden II
Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden II
by Sydenham Edwards
25" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden III
Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden III
by Sydenham Edwards
25" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden IV
Non-Embellish Enchanted Garden IV
by Sydenham Edwards
25" x 30" Frame
Price: $252.79 
Framed Garden Display I
Garden Display I
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $272.79 
Framed Garden Display II
Garden Display II
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $272.79 
Framed Garden Display III
Garden Display III
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $272.79 
Framed Garden Display IV
Garden Display IV
by Sydenham Edwards
26" x 30" Frame
Price: $272.79 
Framed Bird of Paradise I
Bird of Paradise I
by Sydenham Edwards
24" x 20" Frame
Price: $176.79 
Framed Bird of Paradise II
Bird of Paradise II
by Sydenham Edwards
25" x 22" Frame
Price: $198.39 
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55 Items
Sydenham Edwards (Born 1768) was born in Usk, Monmouthshire. He became one of the leading illustrators of natural history. His father, Edwards Lloyd Pittell, was an organist and schoolmaster. Edwards showed a talent for arts and at the age of 11, and at that age he also showed his prowess by copying plates from Flora Londinensis just for fun. Edwards was keen to detail and loved his work; he could not let anything pass by, some of which could easily be ignored by his fellow artists. His illustrations are used in many institutions around the world and framed Sydenham Edwards art hang on the walls of many buildings as well. He came to the limelight by chance. In 1779, Denman visited Abergavenny and viewed some of his works. Denman noticed Edwards’ talent and being a friend of Curtis William, he spoke to him about the Edwards’ work. Curtis was the founder of the Curtis's Botanical Magazine and publisher of botanical works. He accepted to have Edwards trained in both botanical illustration and botany. Edwards was a sharp student and he was bale to learn so fast. Within a short duration, he was able to produce plates at an extraordinary rate. Although much of his work was watercolor on paper and once in awhile sometimes vellum, he painted all of these with gouache on vellum but watercolor was her first choice. This serves to demonstrate his proficiency and versatility in using a variety of surfaces and media. Within 28 years, Edwards managed to produce more than 20,000 watercolors for the Botanical Magazine alone.
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