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Michael Coleman Art

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Michael Coleman (Born 1946) was born in Provo, Utah. He studied art at Brigham Young University. His childhood was quite eventful; he used to hunt for animals, fish and trap throughout the Rocky Mountains, but he never left his sketchbook behind. Early on, he had decided that his career would be in the field of art. He held his first exhibition at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center when he was 32 years old. This made him to be a very prominent artist in the Southwestern. Later on, held many exhibitions at several places including at Kennedy Galleries in New York, the National Academy of Western Art, San Antonio, Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles, Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition, among others. In 1999, he was the winner of the Prix de West Award for his bronze of a moose titled “September” that was exhibited at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame. Currently, many galleries stock framed Michael Coleman art their demand is high. Coleman paints primarily in oil on gouache or board, but his work also includes bronzes. His art is in many other collections some of which are The White House, Washington, D.C., Texas Commerce Bank, Houston, Mack Pogue, Dallas, Anschutz Collection, Denver, Corning Museum, New York, Burt Reynolds, Los Angeles, National Museum of Dubai, and many others. His style was greatly influenced by many of the leading early 19th century masters of the Hudson River School. Coleman is known for his landscapes of detail and rich colors. He loves best the misty, dusky-grey, muted tones of early winter and fall.
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