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Michael Cheung Art

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Michael Cheung is a Hong Kong-based artist who loved art from a young age. Growing up, he was a big fan of horror/action/Sci-Fi movies, comics, and Japanese anime. He experienced a sudden surge of passion for art and that surge has been with him ever since. It was during his study in a design institute that he gained extensive knowledge in many areas of communication and graphic design. He has distinctive and an inimitable style that has earned him reputation as one of the best artists in Japan. He developed his drawing style through years of experience in fashion graphic design and personal art creation. Cheung doesn’t ignore little details that are ignored by many artists. He has passion for his environment, and this is his most valuable qualification. He creates a lot of his artworks using pen, pencil, moving images, photography and his computer. Cheung loves what he does and his works are able to speak for themselves, attracting clients not only from Japan but also from around the world. He finds his inspiration in his daily surroundings; films, music, news on local and global popular topics, and TV programs are his favorites. Cheung doesn’t fear to try different styles and techniques when working on a particular job. What he does is to choose the best technique for each work to obtain the best and unique result. So his styles vary, depending on the subject and the mood he is in. He has participated in many art exhibitions. That’s why framed Michael Cheung art are very popular and can be found in many private and public collections throughout the world.
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