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Betty Carr Art

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Framed Come on In
Come on In
by Betty Carr
19" x 23" Frame
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Price: $189.89 
Framed Flowered Courtyard
Flowered Courtyard
by Betty Carr
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $185.39 
Framed Fragrant Entrance
Fragrant Entrance
by Betty Carr
19" x 23" Frame
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Price: $194.39 
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3 Items
Betty Carr was born in Santa Cruz. Lively, dazzlingly colored watercolor still-lifes are the signature work of this artist who is known for her skillful use of shadow, light and color in her floral paintings. On the influence of shadow, light and color on her watercolors, she says that what catches her eye is the effect the three have on form in unique situations whether spilling over, fleeting, striking, etc. She challenges herself in capturing their dramatic and/or subtle effects. Betty has been featured in many publications including Vitality magazines, Art of the West, Art Talk, American Artist, American Artist and Southwest Art. After gaining her MFA from San Jose State University, California, she started teaching sculpture, drawing and painting at primary, secondary and college levels. She has taught art in public schools for 23 years and did sculpture in her spare time. During that time she has developed a huge following through both workshop and private instruction. Betty has recently been selected the "American Impressionist Society" as a master painter. She’s a signature member of Arizona Plein Air Painters Association (APAP). Betty in discussing her painting style says she likes impressionism. She says that the spontaneous quality of watercolor lends itself perfectly to her impressionistic style of painting. She strives for the maximizing of color’s value, confident enthusiastic brushwork, and intensity range and a fresh painterly approach. And following the years she has taught art in Colorado and California, she’s developed her distinctive painting style. The artist, together with her artist husband, decided to follow the sun to the southwest where light and color are ever present. Today, framed Betty Carr art are highly priced by many collectors.
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