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Charles Berry Art

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Framed South Africa
South Africa
by Charles Berry
25" x 32" Frame
Price: $270.89 
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Charles Berry was born in Missouri and grew up in Detroit. His interest in art began in his childhood and has always had an affinity for nature. His artworks range from faithful depictions of animals in the wild to impressionistic landscapes. Berry had successful careers as a corporate advertising and marketing executive and a graphic arts entrepreneur, before he turned to painting full time. He paints primarily on linen and canvas. He notes that oils are his first love, but he’s no stranger to acrylics and other mediums. In any medium, his art captures a rare sense of intimacy and immediacy. He tries to pull the viewer right into the painting to make them feel as though they were actually there. If he paints of an animal, he wants the viewer to feel like they can reach out and touch it. And if it's a landscape, he wants them to feel as though they could reach out and pick a flower or as if they were sitting in a meadow, taking in the view. Since college, Berry has been an avid traveler. His travels have fueled his artwork. He’s experienced many things in his travels, from petting dolphin from his sailboat where he lived for a year in the Caribbean, to touring the great art museums of Europe. He produces art in a variety of finishing options including ready to hang framed Charles Berry art. It therefore comes as no surprise that the artist’s love of the environment infuses his work within the confines of his studio - humans, animals and nature are all interwoven. Through his art, he tries to remind people of the beauty of the earth, and he hope to make people more aware of their responsibility for the well-being of this world.
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