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Dawna Barton Art

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Framed Sunflower Tapestry
Sunflower Tapestry
by Dawna Barton
35" x 28" Frame
Price: $304.49 
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Dawna Barton’s watercolors have created a lasting and strong impact on the poster, print and art market today. Her paintings are renowned for their mastery of technique and impressionistic beauty. Dawna’s images are available in many outlets throughout the major countries of the world. They are also available online. She has managed to build a strong base of loyal followers and there is always a waiting list for her originals. She has always painted and attributes her success to her long commitment to painting virtually on daily basis. Her time is divided enthusiastically between being a devoted grandmother of 12 and creating new works of posters, art and prints. Her art verge on Impressionism both through the way she describes the effects of light on her subjects and in her use of color. The artist lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she’s surrounded by her 4 children, who are a great source of inspiration to her. She has been independently successful within the art industry due to her hard work. She is currently publishing with New York Graphic Society. Dawna’s paintings have influenced the print market for close to 30 years. The fluid strokes of color are a true testimony to her sensitivity to nature as shown in her art where she captures the essence of individual elements and translates them into a magical whole in the form of a realistic image. The joy of painting is what motivates her. For the artist, the actual process and/or experience of painting is more fulfilling than the result. Framed Dawna Barton art are hanging on many walls around the world.
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