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Cecile Baird Art

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4 Items
Framed Watering Can On Chair
Watering Can On Chair
by Cecile Baird
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $252.89 
Framed Chair With Jug And Flag
Chair With Jug And Flag
by Cecile Baird
23" x 27" Frame
Price: $248.39 
Framed Chair With Jug and Flag
Chair With Jug and Flag
by Cecile Baird
20" x 24" Frame
Price: $200.69 
Framed Chair Collection
Chair Collection
by Cecile Baird
31" x 19" Frame
Price: $235.79 
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4 Items
Cecile Baird is an artist and an author. Her art has featured in the book “100 Ways to Paint Favorite Subjects” and “Paint-Illustrated Techniques for Every Medium” published by North Light and International Artist respectively. Her art has also been featured in The Artist's Magazine, American Artist, Southwest Art Magazine and International Artist magazine. The artist was much honored to have her art "Light Up Your Life” featured on the cover of the Drawing magazine in their 2015 winter issue. Cecile uses oil and colored pencil as her preferred mediums. At the beginning of her career, she used to work in oils which she still loves and uses today, but about 15 years ago, she discovered and fell in love with colored pencils. She says that colored pencils gave her art better looks and she now considers them not just as sketching tools but as her fine art tools as can be seen in the framed Cecile Baird art. Cecile, along with other contemporary artists, is taking colored pencils to new heights. She’s proud to be one of the leaders in the forefront of the movement to promote colored pencils as drawing tools. Cecile is a signature member of the colored Pencil Society of America. After receiving Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Arts degrees from The Ohio State University Cecile worked as a graphic designer for several years before she turned to her talents to fine art. She felt that it’s through fine art that she can get the satisfaction she was yearning for.
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