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Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images Art

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12 Items
Framed Pair of Giganotosaurus
Pair of Giganotosaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 26" Frame
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Price: $251.99 
Framed Mammuthus Primigenius walking through a Blizzard
Mammuthus Primigenius walking through a Blizzard
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 29" Frame
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Price: $283.19 
Framed Allosaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 23" Frame
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Price: $228.79 
Framed Camarasaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 22" Frame
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Price: $227.19 
Framed Deinonychus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 21" Frame
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Price: $217.59 
Framed Euoplocephalus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 18" Frame
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Price: $191.99 
Framed Iguanodon
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 19" Frame
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Price: $199.19 
Framed Pachycephalosaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 24" Frame
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Price: $235.19 
Framed Parasaurolophus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 22" Frame
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Price: $224.79 
Framed Various Dinosaurs and their Comparative Sizes
Various Dinosaurs and their Comparative Sizes
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 17" Frame
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Price: $183.19 
Framed Stegosaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 21" Frame
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Price: $217.59 
Framed Styracosaurus
by Alice Turner/Stocktrek Images
31" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $221.59 
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12 Items
Alice Turner has worked as Digital Content Designer (The Medicines And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency — London, United Kingdom), Motion graphics designer (Eclipse Presentations — Beckenham, United Kingdom), Storyboard artist / animator (freelance) (New Angle Ltd — London, United Kingdom), Concept artist (Freelance) (HKD Ltd — Margate, United Kingdom), Digital Restoration Artist (The Natural History Museum, London — United Kingdom), and Concept artist / animator (Kempt Ltd — Canterbury, United Kingdom). She’s a Motion Graphics Designer and Digital Artist based in Canterbury, United Kingdom. Alice provides animations, finished illustrations and development art, specializing in scientific educational and illustration graphics. She also provides graphics art on a freelance basis for the events and exhibition industries, and she develops digital content for attractions and museums. Her skills include Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Palaeoart, Acrylics, Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Illustration, Drawing, Blender 3D, Anatomical Drawing and Painting. She currently works with MHRA designing both animated and static graphic content (infographics) for promotional collateral and public awareness campaigns. Alice also produced incidental animations and character designs and has assisted in the digital restoration of field sketches and burial plans from the archives of 'Roche.' The ready to hang framed Alice Turner art are highly priced by many collectors and they can be found in many art stores all over the world. Alice’s art is also available in many online stores. She currently provides animations, finished graphic assets and storyboards for interactive exhibits. Her two strong passions include fantasy subjects and natural history. Alice tries to combine the two wherever she can.
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