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Framed Liberty Prints

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7 Items
Framed Constitution (Document)
Constitution (Document)
21" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $222.59 
Framed American Dreams V
American Dreams V
by Ken Hurd
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $130.19 
Framed American Soldier
American Soldier
43" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $300.29 
Framed Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
by Vision Studio
14" x 16" Frame
Price: $112.69 
Framed Alamo San Antonio TX
Alamo San Antonio TX
by Panoramic Images
43" x 19" Frame
Price: $296.09 
Framed Alamo San Antonio TX
Alamo San Antonio TX
by Panoramic Images
34" x 16" Frame
Price: $243.59 
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7 Items

Framed Liberty Art

Lady Liberty has been standing tall since it was brought to the United States as a gift from France and stands for justice to all. Artists have found many different ways to use this beautiful statue in art that has an appeal to art lovers everywhere. The framed liberty art available on the market is anything but boring.

Ben Richards and Lonny Kalfus art two artists that have brought a lot of color to the statue through their framed liberty art collages. These works are great for those that want to brighten a room and show love for the lady Liberty at the same time. Mo Mullan offers up a pieces that is contrived from warm fall colors and has an abstract style to it.
Richard Cowdrey combines the Lady Liberty and the American eagle in his framed liberty art picture titled “Freedom”. Stephanie Marrott and John Douglas both have amazing pieces that show the world that you can create art with just the simple colors of black and tan. Two of their best works are “Statue of Liberty”; the same name of both works.

Eugene Delacroix has a famous painting titled “Liberty Leading People” which has stood through the test of time. The painting has a lot of attention to detail and many art lovers seek out this painting for decorating both homes and offices. Kamran Shaukat has a lovely piece that shows the Lady Liberty alongside the twin towers. This has a beautiful glow about it and it brings warm memories to a lot of people.
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