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Fire Houseby Jim Baldwin
21" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmation Wineryby Ryan Fowler
19" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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K9 Fire Departmentby Ryan Fowler
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Damien's Dotty Spotty Dawg - Blueby Juan Sly
19" x 23" Framed Art Frame
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Damien's Dotty Spotty Dawg - Pinkby Juan Sly
19" x 23" Framed Art Frame
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Miss Indognito Does Pointillismby Lucy Marshall
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Bow Wow Dalmationby Todd Art
23" x 23" Framed Art Frame
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Patient Manby Martine Roch
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Fire Emergency XIby ND Art & Design
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Perditaby Kamdon Kreations
19" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmation Puppyby Brigit Utech
22" x 22" Framed Photograph Frame
Dalmatian Wine Snobby Fab Funky
18" x 21" Framed Artwork Frame
Sit & Stay IIby Lisa Choate
18" x 18" Framed Artwork Frame
Best in Show Vby Megan Meagher
16" x 20" Framed Art Print Frame
Dalmationby John W. Golden
19" x 22" Framed Artwork Frame
Dalmationby John W. Golden
14" x 16" Framed Artwork Frame
Pongo the Dalmatianby Westh Pernille
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Garden Trot Iby Annie Warren
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Garden Trot IIby Annie Warren
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Best Bud IIby Grace Popp
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Playful Pup VIIby Carol Dillon
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Playful Pup IIby Carol Dillon
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Playful Pup VIby Carol Dillon
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Christmas Des - Dalmatian Mistletoeby Fab Funky
23" x 23" Framed Art Frame
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Pop Modern Dog Iby A Very Modern Dog
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Dog Au Vin Dalmatianby Fab Funky
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmatian With Red Beretby Fab Funky
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmatian On Bicycleby Fab Funky
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmatian on Bicycleby Fab Funky
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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In my Defense I was Left Unsupervisedby Masterfunk Collective
23" x 23" Framed Art Frame
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Firefighter Dalmation
23" x 29" Framed Art Frame
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Home Is Where My Dog Isby Veruca Salt
27" x 27" Framed Art Frame
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Firefighter Dog
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmation Firehouse
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Top Dog Rescue
27" x 27" Framed Art Frame
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Stop, Drop and Roll
31" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Framed Dalmatian Prints
Easy to identify due to their spotted coat, the Dalmatian is originating from a region of Croatia that has exactly the same name. These dogs have featured in numerous TV shows and they are best known for being portrayed in the 101 Dalmatians cartoons. has Framed Dalmatian Art dedicated to the characters featuring in the aforementioned show, but also real dogs, some of them participating in famous contests.
Framed Dalmatian Art often depicts the dogs playing with children, which is hardly a surprise given the fact that they are among the most appreciated family pets. These large dogs have muscular bodies and plenty of energy to spare, being famous for their stamina and endurance. This is great news for those who enjoy playing a lot with their pets, but those who live in flats or any other places where space is of the essence, should think twice before acquiring such a dog.
Dalmatian puppies don’t have any spots on their coats, with these appearing usually after a couple of weeks following birth. Having said this, virtually all the Framed Dalmatian Art featuring puppies present them with the instantly recognizable spots. There is more than meets the eye about these dogs, because they’re also great at rescuing people, serve as an eclectic partners and guardians while sometimes being used as fire dogs. They are energetic creatures and enjoy spending time in the great outdoors and get fully immersed in any activity involving their owner, regardless of how difficult or exhausting.