Brett Varney Art

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Brett Varney and his partner moved north and settled on Sunshine Coast of British Columbia in 2007 - later they were granted Citizenship. The move to British Columbia has been quite inspiring, so much that he finds that his style shifted a bit and moved toward an abstracted landscape view. He now uses deeper colors and the elements of design are more freestyle. His inspiration is born from the works of the Abstract Expressionists and Impressionists. To this day he continues on the tradition of the family of selling his original art and reproductions directly to clients through art festivals (juried) in Canada and the United States as well as through private galleries and his home studio in Sechelt, British Columbia. He draws because it makes him feel good and energized, and he wants his viewers to experience that same energy that inspires him to create. He draws from his heart, his mind's eye, and recollections of lost landscapes. He deliberately uses black outlines around the shapes, and he says these are necessary and are intended only to intensify and define the emotion of his art. . He wants a finished work that he can proudly say represents his vision purely. That’s why he put more effort in the production of the ready to hang framed Brett Varney art. In 1997, Varney took up oil pastel drawing as his medium of choice. He liked it because of its versatility and ease of use. This medium has helped him to produce very realistic images.