Christy Ann Hydeck Art

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Christy Ann Hydeck has been an art enthusiast all her life. She felt grateful to live in such a beautiful area in America that’s so rich in subject matter for her art, and in such a special community of great people who supported her work. Many people noticed her artistic talent and encouraged and supported her. She had a strong passion for the arts from a tender age and liked to spend most of her time reading art books. She’s an all-American and all-round smartass who’s also a dreamer, a lover of nature and a big believer in miracles. Christy is an artist, a writer, photographer and instructor all in one. She is also an avid collector of words and she adores animals, children, whimsy and things that are odd. Many who have interacted with her attest to the fact that she’s the artist to hire whenever one wants work done fast and perfectly. She welcomes her viewers to join her and see the beautiful world, the vast dreamscape, through her eyes. What makes her happy is the feedback she receives from those who have purchased her art. Though she’s a professional artist, she’s still a most willing student of life and someday she’s a purveyor of hope and a distributor of kindness. She’s open to learning and believes that this is the only way to keep improving her art. Framed Christy Ann Hydeck art today adorn the walls of many prestigious buildings around the globe. She delights in simple pleasures and looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary.