Design a Gallery Wall to Add Character to Any Room

Spring is the time for cleaning out your home and giving it a fresh new look. There are lots of spring designs and trends out there. But a design element that we are excited about is adding a gallery wall to spruce up or personalize a room in your home. 

Gallery walls can be incorporated into any room and can be designed in a variety of sizes. A thoughtfully laid out gallery wall is a fun way to express your unique style and personality. 

You might be thinking: I love this idea. But I can barely hang one picture straight let alone a whole collection! No problem. We have you covered! After you finish reading about how to design your new gallery wall, check out our DIY tutorial on how to hang a framed art gallery

Where to Begin 

For a gallery wall, most people think they need a big, blank wall with lots of space. This is not necessarily true. A gallery wall can be any size, have any shape as well as follow any configuration you choose. We’ve even seen gallery walls that extend down the arm of a couch and down to the floorboards!

After you have chosen the perfect location, you will want to select a theme, style, as well as color pallet. Popular gallery wall trends include greenery, travel, as well as coastal imagery. Opting for a monochromatic, black and white gallery wall makes for a dramatic and eye-catching design scheme. Most people tend to choose a mix of their own photos and pieces they have purchased. 

Next on the list of how to design your gallery wall is frames. Like your pictures, the choice of what type and size of frames are totally personal. Some people opt for frames that are all the same color, shape, as well as size. Others play with vertical and horizontal frames, different colors and sizes. 

Designing Your Gallery Wall

After you have your theme and images picked out, it is time to select a layout. There are a few popular layouts you may be familiar with. They are:

  • 9 squares: this is a classic and clean gallery wall design in which frames are arranged in a 3 by 3 square on the wall. 
  • Reflection: a reflection gallery wall can be set up to reflect top to bottom or side to side. The idea is to put frames of similar sizes opposite one another to create a unique yet balanced design. 
  • Spiral: meant to take your eye for a journey, the spiral is typically centered with a larger image like an 8″ x 10″ and surrounded by square and rectangular frames in a variety of sizes.
  • Outer aligned: similar to the spiral, outer aligned gallery walls are anchored by a larger print and surrounded by smaller ones. They are more uniform in design and spacing but still feature a variety of different frame sizes. 

Our advice is to play with a variety of styles using paper and tape cut to the same size as the gallery you want to hang. This will allow you to play with a few different styles before committing to nailing holes in your wall. When you’re ready to hang, start with the largest piece first and work down in size. 

If adding a gallery wall to your home or office is on your list of things to do this spring, be sure to check out our collection of framed art. We offer a variety of sizes, orientations, as well as color patterns to inspire and complete your next project. After you’ve ordered your new prints, check out How to Hang A Framed Gallery Wall and practice designing before your prints even arrive!

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