Space Art is the Perfect Escape

Space art is more than just a framed image; it’s like a staycation hanging on your wall! If you need a new perspective, consider investing in some stellar space decor! In recent years, the world of space art has exploded. Images of outer space extend way beyond the adhesive glow-in-the-dark stars on your child’s bedroom ceiling. We now possess stunning photographs straight from NASA, illuminating the vast expanse of our universe. Let’s gaze upon our universe, and take a break from everything terrestrial.

Space Art in Every Color

The vivid lights and colors of space art are truly out of this world. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find the perfect piece to fit into your existing color palette! Space art injects a pop of color in an otherwise greyscale room, or enhances the colors that already adorn the room.

But how and why is outer space photography so psychedelically colorful? Here’s some insider info: “Creating color images out of black-and-white exposures is equal parts art and science,” NASA said in an interview. The color is created by using light from infrared and ultraviolet filters. Each light wavelength has no natural colors when viewed through human eyes. Scientists assign blue light to the data that emerges from blue filters, and they do the same with the red and light filters. Together, it creates a beautiful, brilliant image that jumps right out of the frame!

As the Hubble Telescope Website explains, “We use color as a tool, whether it is to enhance an object’s detail or to visualize what ordinarily could never be seen by the human eye.” Now that you know this, your space art can be both a striking decoration, and a great conversation piece!

How Far Can You Go?

As it turns out, space art, and specifically space photography, transports you pretty far from our planet Earth!

Coincidentally, the farthest-ever image taken of Earth isn’t very interesting! The “Pale Blue Dot” image was captured 3.79 billion miles from home, but the image itself isn’t the most impressive. Like the title indicates… it’s a pale blue dot! The NASA photos captured in the other direction are much more enthralling, in our opinion! The furthest-ever object ever photographically explored was a space rock 4 billion miles from Earth. The rock looked a bit like a bit, red, rock-snowman.

Spoiler alert! This photograph isn’t our favorite, either! But since it was taken 4 billion miles from here, we though it deserved some attention! Our top photos were taken somewhere in between the Milky Way and Mr. Rock Snowman, like the framed print featured above. You’re looking at a Storm of Turbulent Gasses in the Omega/Swan Nebula (and if you ask us, turbulent gas has never looked better!)

Space Art Maps: An Art-Lover’s Guide to the Galaxy

Looking for something a little more scientific? Celestial maps are another form of space art adding intrigue to your room. If you’re really into maps, or if you are simply working with a deep blue color palette, take a look at Suc Schlabach’s Celestial Blueprint. The night sky has never been charted more thoroughly… or beautifully!

Celestial maps are perfect for a study, classroom, or even homeschool space that needs some educational energy! And has plenty of celestial maps to choose from. If you’re on the market for a more vintage look, we recommend the Map of the Main Stars in the Visible Realm, pictured below.

This print, from the Vatican Library Collection, enhances the educational, scientific vibe of any room. This piece also presents without the vivid coloring of some of the others, which might be welcome in a room with a more subdued, neutral feel.


Space art can transport you to entirely different realms if you ever need an escape from your… normal space! We hope this post has given you some great ideas.

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