Photography Art Celebrating Summer

It’s finally official… summer is here! And nothing encompasses the carefree days and nights of summer like photography art. Framed photography captures the joy of warm summer days so uniquely. So on those less-sunny days, or if you’re stuck inside, it’s nice to have some reminders of the dog days of summer on your wall. Check out some of our favorite summer photography art below!

Photography Art… at the Beach!

The beach represents the best summer has to offer. Some are lucky enough to live in a climate that offers year-round beach access. But if you’re like the rest of us, the beach is a special treat reserved for the glorious days of summer.

Beach photography is a common theme in lake houses and cottages, but don’t limit images of the seashore to those locations alone! Why not hang framed beach photography in places where a summer vibe is seriously lacking? Try Out images of tropical sunsets in rooms that need a nostalgic boost.

Photography of Children at Play

Summer days mean early mornings of exploration and late nights of firefly catching… at least for kids! Children embrace summer in a way that adults have long forgotten… with excitement and expectation! For kids, summer means the freedom to play unhindered by heavy jackets and boots, in the warmth of a sun that doesn’t go down until way after bedtime! Photography art of children playing brings those feelings of joy to life.

(You can even combine all of the best summer themes: sunsets, beaches, and kids, into one photograph like the one below!)

Boating: A Summer Tradition

Summer is here, and it’s time to hit the water! This is when boats of all shapes and sizes emerge from their winter hibernation and take on the waves! Boating in a long-time summer tradition, but most people can’t be on the water full-time. Consider framed photography your version of the “I’d Rather be Boating” bumper sticker!

Boats have an artistic, geometric look to them, making them perfect for modern and contemporary home decor. These sailboats are some of our favorites, but you can’t go wrong with a well-photographed canoe:

We hope you have exciting summer plans! But even if you’re trapped inside, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the beautiful images of summer.

Browse through all of our photography here, and soak in the nostalgic images of your favorite summer memories! Summer-themed paintings, posters, and prints also available!

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