Panoramic Images: Finding the Perfect Spot!

Panoramic images capture a perspective unlike any other! They also fill spaces in your home that other framed art just can’t fill. We love panoramic images because of their unique dimensions. And though sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect frame for the uncommon panoramic size, has you covered with a variety of frame options! Let’s take a look at some of our favorite panoramic images, and talk about the perfect location to hang.

Landscapes, a Panoramic Favorite

Landscape photography uses panoramic dimensions in the best possible way. The expansive length of a panoramic image can make us feel like we’re actually there when it comes to landscape art. Most photographs simply can’t capture every detail of the landscape, and inevitably leaves something out. The panoramic lens can capture entire skylines, mountain ranges, or shorelines without interruption.

Your happy place may be a city you visited, or even grew up in, like the night time skyline above. Or, you may love the mountains like the beautiful scene below.

These panoramics and others are perfect choices for decor, especially in larger wall spaces that cry out for bold decoration. One great place to hang panoramic images is over a fireplace or mantle. This is especially true if the image epitomizes the theme of the room, or represents a place your entire family loves. Try asking everyone who lives in the household what place they love the most, and find the perfect panoramic print that everyone will appreciate looking at over and over again!


Sports at a Wide Angle

Another perfect use of panoramic photography is for sporting events or locations. For sports lovers, especially those that utilize wide, open spaces, panoramic images are a fantastic choice for home decor. Consider where you want to conjure images of iconic sporting events… is it in a den or study? A place where you and your family cheer for your favorite team? An entryway where all of your personal sporting equipment it kept? All of these are perfect opportunities for sports art.

One of our favorite sports-related panoramic images is this black and white photograph of Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, during a Dodgers vs. Angels game. You can almost feel the excitement in the air, just by looking at the photo! There’s nothing like the electricity of a sold-out event!

If you’re a golfer, or simply looking for something a little more scenic, take a look at this panoramic image of Pebble Beach. One of the most popular and beautiful golf courses in the world, Pebble Beach in Carmel, California is in a setting even non-golfers can appreciate!

Especially Unique Panoramic Images

If you’re looking for an art piece that is extra unique, or if you have an extra unique place you need to fill with panoramic decoration, take a look at these tall, portrait-oriented panoramic photographs! Sometimes you need a tall, panoramic shot to capture the majestic beauty of a tree, or the height of a waterfall. Other times, you simply have cathedral ceilings, and want to show off your space!


Panoramic images are uniquely beautiful in their perspective. Where could you hang a panoramic piece in your home??

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