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Framed Frankenstein Art

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Framed Even Monsters Need a Break
Even Monsters Need a Break
25" x 21" Frame
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Price: $221.19 
Framed Even Monsters Need a Date
Even Monsters Need a Date
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $149.09 
Framed Scream Queens I
Scream Queens I
by Jennifer Parker
27" x 23" Frame
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Price: $242.19 
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Framed Frankenstein Artwork

Mary Shelley wrote the novel two centuries ago and the story about the student who creates a nightmarish creature in a scientific experiment is today regarded as one of the best in the genre. Contrary to what many people still believe, Frankenstein was actually the student and not its grotesque creation. With its collection of Framed Frankenstein Posters, FramedArt.com hit two birds with one stone, on one hand providing collectors will fine artwork, on the other making the much-needed clarification.
The novel abounds in Gothic elements and most of the story takes place in Switzerland, where the author traveled before writing the horror story. The project started as a contest with fellow students and it is only fair to say that Mary Shelley was the one who emerged victorious. The book represents one of the most important milestones for the science fiction genre, which makes the Framed Frankenstein Posters a must have for all those who enjoy this stories.

Initially the critical receptions of the book was rather unfavorable, but the readers embraced it with open arms. The impact of the novel on literature and popular culture alike was tremendous and it inspired dozens of films, plays and horror stories. Some of these movies generated a cult following and encouraged producers to come up with sequels, while taking a steep departure from the original story. Framed Frankenstein Posters cover the entire spectrum, including black-and-white movies, as well as Hollywood blockbusters that make use of 3D animations.
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