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Hugo the Thinkerby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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What a Cute Bundleby Jim Dratfield
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Never Doubt That You Canby Jim Dratfield
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Always Friendsby Jim Dratfield
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Dog Tiredby Jim Dratfield
22" x 19" Framed Photograph Frame
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Cute Pug Puppyby Edward M. Fielding
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Vintage Puppy Bathby Edward M. Fielding
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Puppy in a Basketby Edward M. Fielding
25" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Puppy in a Laundry Basketby Edward M. Fielding
25" x 20" Framed Art Frame
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Luluby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Finnby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Hugoby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Benby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Bentleyby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Bodhiby Kim Levin
23" x 19" Framed Art Frame
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Mutt Black & Whiteby Edward M. Fielding
19" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Sweet Chihuahuaby Jon Bertelli
26" x 26" Framed Art Frame
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Wonderby Sharon Beals
31" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Obsessby Sharon Beals
31" x 25" Framed Art Frame
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Dalmation Puppyby Brigit Utech
22" x 22" Framed Photograph Frame
Christmas Pup 1by Marcus Prime
18" x 18" Framed Art Frame
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Big Footby Barry Hart
25" x 19" Framed Photograph Frame
My Heroby Barry Hart
31" x 23" Framed Photograph Frame
My Heroby Barry Hart
18" x 14" Framed Photograph Frame
My Heroby Barry Hart
25" x 19" Framed Photograph Frame
Big Footby Barry Hart
31" x 23" Framed Photograph Frame
Domino and Daisyby Amanda Jones
14" x 16" Framed Photograph Frame
Spring Wolf Pupsby Art Wolfe
15" x 13" Framed Artwork Frame
First Songby Jim Brandenburg
30" x 24" Framed Photograph Frame
Wolf Pupsby Jim Brandenburg
35" x 26" Framed Photograph Frame
Dog Pups in a Suitcase (detail)by Pangea Images
25" x 20" Framed Art Frame
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Dog Pups in a Suitcaseby Pangea Images
27" x 17" Framed Art Frame
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Waiting for Herby Julian Lauren
27" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Lab Pupsby Dick Petrie
18" x 14" Framed Art Frame
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8 Lab Puppiesby Dick Petrie
25" x 20" Framed Art Frame
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Pug Puppies Sitting In Back Of Toy Truckby Vintage Images
27" x 22" Framed Art Frame
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Framed Puppy Photo Art
The dog is the man’s best friend and even the breeds that are considered to be aggressive will develop great social skills is they are socialized at an early age. Puppies are so adorable regardless of breed that everyone wishes to spend some time around them and they are always at the focal point of attention. Dog lovers and those with a keen eye for beauty will find great pleasure in displaying Framed Puppy Photography and can provide the finest prints.
Framed Puppy Photography follows the development of young dogs right after birth and all the way to adulthood, highlighting their remarkable evolution. Once they open their eyes and start exploring the surroundings, they are on a constant movement and will seek the company of other dogs and humans. In photographs, puppies frequently appear next to children, which is no coincidence given the fact that they enjoy playing with them and tend to develop bonds that last for a lifetime.
Despite their petite proportions, puppies have tremendous energy and they put it to good use regardless of the environment. Sooner or later the energy runs out and that’s why the Framed Puppy Photography alternate images of young dogs running around, with still pictures of puppies catching their breath in the shades. Even when they rest, they seek physical contact with their littermates and become distressed when separated, which explains the abundance of photos depicting several puppies pile together into a heap