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Framed Judy Garland Posters

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Framed Judy Garland, black and white
Judy Garland, black and white
23" x 22" Frame
Price: $248.79 
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Framed Judy Garland Art

Few actresses can brag about having such a beautiful voice as Judy Garland, with this unique talent paving her way to success. FramedArt.com focuses only on the visuals in its collection of Framed Judy Garland Posters, but with her career spanning over four decades , there is plenty of artwork to choose from. In addition to acting, she produced several records and even performed on concert stages, which earned her a Special Tony Award as well as multiple Grammy Awards.
Her lengthy career was marked by several notable achievements, with the highlight of her acting career being the nomination for the Oscar in the 60s. She was nominated in the category of best supporting actress in 1961 for her performance in Judgment at Nurnberg. Garland was also on the verge of winning the trophy for best actress in the wake of the successful release of A Star Is Born, with both these movies being celebrated in Framed Judy Garland Posters.

As a teenager, it was the Wizard of Oz that made her popular and revealed the stunningly beautiful voice, besides her undeniable acting skills. She starred in nine films alongside Mikey Rooney, which explains why she appears next to him in so many Framed Judy Garland Posters. Away from the cameras, she had a tumultuous life, struggling with financial difficulties, alcohol and drugs. She passed away at the edge of 47 and in 1997 she was awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement award posthumously.
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