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Framed Brad Pitt Posters

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Framed Basterds 2
Basterds 2
by Aron Stein
25" x 31" Frame
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Price: $264.59 
Framed Basterds 1
Basterds 1
by Aron Stein
25" x 31" Frame
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Price: $264.59 
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Framed Brad Pitt Art

Widely regarded as one of the best looking and also one of the most talented Hollywood actors, Brad Pitt was born in 1963 and brilliantly combines acting with movie producing. He was nominated for Academy Awards on multiple occasions, but only won as a film producer.

FramedArt.com and the Framed Brad Pitt Posters offered are centered on his acting career, starting from his first important role in the Thelma and Louise movie of 1991.
After his breakthrough, Brad Pitt had the leading role in A River Runs Through It and Legends of the Fall in the early 90s, followed by Interview with the Vampire in 1994. By that time he was much appreciated as one of the most attractive Hollywood actors, but he got the chance to prove that there is more about him than meets the eye. The highly praised performance in Seven and the equally memorable role in 12 Monkeys made 1995 one of the best years of his career and inspired many Framed Brad Pitt Posters.

He was nominated for an Academy award that year, but failed to win and then returning to the spotlight with Five Club in 1999. Most of the Framed Brad Pitt Posters dedicated to the first decade of the new millennium feature him as Rusty Ryan in Ocean’s 11 and the two sequels. Troy and Mr. and Mrs. Smith was the most lucrative films in which he start, but the ones that brought him two more nominations for the leading roles in Money Ball and the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
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