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Framed Al Pacino Posters

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6 Items
Framed Scarface, Make Way For The Bad Guy
Scarface, Make Way For The Bad Guy
41" x 30" Frame
Price: $347.19 
Framed Scarface, Tony Montana
Scarface, Tony Montana
23" x 27" Frame
Price: $215.19 
Framed Scarface, Sunset
Scarface, Sunset
27" x 23" Frame
Price: $215.19 
Framed Scarface, In Chair
Scarface, In Chair
23" x 27" Frame
Price: $215.19 
Framed Scarface, Above Ground
Scarface, Above Ground
31" x 42" Frame
Price: $358.39 
Framed Scarface, In Chair
Scarface, In Chair
31" x 43" Frame
Price: $355.99 
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6 Items

Framed Al Pacino Art

Together with Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino is widely regarded as the best American actor when it comes to mobster movies. He set important personal milestones with his roles in the Godfather and Scarface movies , with both these titles being celebrated by FramedArt.com in Framed Al Pacino Posters.

His memorable performances as Michael Corleone and Tony Montana are the ones that Al is most remembered for, although he has dozens of other roles that he can be proud of.
While playing mobsters is his specialty, Al Pacino is a highly versatile actor who has no problem in impersonating characters on the other side of the law. As a detective, officer or lawyer, he brought characters to life and made them believable, sometime single-handedly carrying an entire movie. There are no Framed Al Pacino Posters dedicated to his debut role in 1969, but plenty of art prints highlighting his performance In the Panic in Needle Park drama of 1971.

Some of the Framed Al Pacino Posters are depicting him as Frank Slade in the movie that brought him an Academy award for best actor. Scent of a Woman was the movie that finally resulted in an Oscar trophy, after Al Pacino was nominated seven times. They Afternoon, Serpico and The Godfather Part II didn’t result in an Academy award and Pacino had to settle for a nomination for best actor, while also being nominated twice in the category of best supporting actor.
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