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Framed Trombone Art

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Framed Music Notes II
Music Notes II
by Beth Anne Creative
18" x 18" Frame
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Framed Orange Tuba
Orange Tuba
by Naxart
31" x 25" Frame
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Framed Slide
by Gil Mayers
28" x 20" Frame
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Framed Trombone Artwork

The trombone is one of the easiest to recognize musical instruments, and one of the most used ones in the brass family. FramedArt.com will provide the fans and collectors alike with Framed Trombone Art ranging from state-of-the-art instruments used in classic music to improvise versions. They are all inspired from the Italian instrument and the word itself is imported from this language, as it actually stands for large trumpet.
At the first glance, it might look like the trombone is a relatively new addition to the collection of musical instruments, but the truth is that it was invented in the 15th century. The earlier versions look slightly different and they lost their popularity over the next centuries, but made a resurgence 200 years later. Famous composers used them extensively throughout the Renaissance and Baroque periods, with Bach and Handel being shining examples.

During the classical era, trombones were used mostly in Austria and composers relied on them especially when they needed an instrument for sacred works. Mozart used these musical instruments more often than any other contemporary composers and as a result its popularity grew, peaking in the 18th century. Framed Trombone Art will reveal the fact that even though the musical instruments fell from grace and then returned to prominence, its aspect didn’t change too much. Its construction remained the same with the main changes being done in regard to the materials used, for tenor and bass versions.
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