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Zhou Jun Zhou Art

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Zhou Jun Zhou (Born in 1965) was born in Nanjing, China. He’s a graduate of the Art School of Nanjing Normal University. He Graduated from the Department of Photography. Using large format film cameras, Zhou produces negatives, which he scans, manipulates and finally prints, producing large photographic works. Zhou takes photographs of the China’s changing constructed landscape in black and white and then he adds overlays of red, choosing the architectural framing and scaffolding of construction sites to add color. Zhou is a disciplined and prolific photographer. He uses meticulous detail in each piece. The red color that he uses has significance in China’s cultural memory as it represents revolutionary communist ideology and is also used for ceremonial occasions such as weddings. Zhou is constantly inspired by the people who have emotional attachment to the work that he produces. The subject of his work is the built environment, and Zhou emphases rapid and sometimes brutal re-development in China. He says that the red color which he uses to highlight specific parts of the photograph elicits different responses in people from different cultures or countries – at times, it can even have opposite meanings for different people. Each piece of his artwork showcases his feelings and thoughts about the built environment. His inspiring art reach out to the heart and soul of many people. That’s why they are stocked by many private and public collectors. He hopes that his art will find its way to people’s hearts and into their homes. Framed Zhou Jun Zhou art are today much sought after by many collectors.
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