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Jennifer Strasenburgh Art

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Framed Metro Chic I
Metro Chic I
by Jennifer Strasenburgh
31" x 31" Frame
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Price: $308.69 
Framed Metro Chic II
Metro Chic II
by Jennifer Strasenburgh
31" x 31" Frame
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Price: $308.69 
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2 Items
Jennifer Strasenburgh graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 1992. In1997 she graduated with BFA from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She then began showing her posters art and prints, and working as a commission artist. Jennifer creates her artwork from her own designs and sketches. Her goal is to portray a sense of strength, beauty and balance through her posters, art, and prints. Each of her pieces contains groups of simple shapes that are arranged in various compositions playing on the weight and balance of each element. Jennifer also plays with color to balance each composition and add to it some beauty and warmth. It’s through this combination of compositional elements and materials that she strives for strength, beauty and balance. All of Jennifer’s works are created on paper and panel within the flexible environment of her home studio. She applies some materials using brushes and her hand and smoothes onto the surface with her fingers. Jennifer enjoys a very intimate creative process where she handles and manipulates the materials in an immediate way. It’s this intimacy with her medium that allows her to create pieces that represent her intentions most accurately. Her works have been exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions, including Show of Hands in Philadelphia, the Lancaster Museum of Art in Lancaster, Groundworks Art Gallery in Denver, Arvada Center for the Arts in Arvada, and the Parade of Homes, Talon’s Reach in Aurora. Many of her works have also appeared in several permanent corporate collections. There are many galleries that sell her works, with several of them availing canvas, laminated, and framed Jennifer Strasenburgh art prepared ready for mounting.
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