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Helga Sermat Art

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Helga Sermat is a Canadian born artist currently living in Hemmingford, Quebec. She has traveled and lived in many interesting places including Estonia, Spain and Tanzania. She lived in Vancouver for fifteen years where she worked as a prop and costume maker. Her images have been published as posters and greeting cards and are available throughout North America. Framed Helga Sermat art are highly priced by many discriminating collectors. Her work is represented in Ottawa, Ontario by Galerie St. Laurent. Her limited edition cards, posters and giclée prints are now available online. She divides her time between her art, illustration projects, graphic design, pursuing her life long passion for horses and building websites. Helga grew up wrapped up in the culture and language of her Estonian parents. They had a strong influence on her art during her formative years. She obtained an arts degree from York University, and then went for further studies in printmaking, sculpture, drawing and theatre design at Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design in Vancouver, the University of British Columbia, and Montreal’s Saidye Bronfman School of Fine Art. Helga was the co-founder of an alternative art materials store in Vancouver, B.C. called Urban Source. She later moved to Montreal which led to more studies in printmaking and drawing. Helga was able to develop a unique technique of using colored pencil. Helga’s work adorns the walls of many prestigious galleries, homes, and institutions around the world. She invites critics to review her works as she believes this is the best way to improve her art.
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