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Framed Seamons Crookston Prints

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Framed Corner of the Porch
Corner of the Porch
by Nancy Seamons Crookston
36" x 21" Frame
Price: $269.49 
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Nancy Seamons Crookston is an oil painter, a multi award-winning artist who has been recognized by national magazines and her peers for her exceptional talent. Her love of the ocean, children and color is apparent in her art. Nancy aims to draw in her viewers and make them feel that life is good. This California-based artist is attracted to the human figure, especially in moments of reflection and stillness. Nancy loves to capture glances of tenderness between child and mother and the virtuousness of children engaged in quite play. Her paintings are often described as calming and peaceful. She has been drawn to the Old World feel of the European countryside for a very long time. Nancy sometimes dresses models to suggest this quality of a simpler time. Her models are often her own grandchildren and daughters -in the colorful long dresses and scarves of country peasants. In some other occasions, wonderful painting ideas saunter up to here, just like the time her young granddaughter came into her room, and started reading a book after sitting on the bed. Nancy Seamons Crookston teaches workshops across California. She helps painters learn the principles of Russian Color; she learned these principles from Sergei Bongart, the late Russian Master. In 2011, she received the Eastern Regional Oil Painters of America Masters Gold Award, and in 2002, she was the recipient of the Gold Medal Award in from the National Oil Painters of America. Framed Nancy Seamons Crookston art adorn the walls of many walls around the world.
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