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Leonard Morris Art

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7 Items
Framed Comfort
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Curious
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Departure
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Intentions
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Floating Light
Floating Light
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Rising
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
Framed Floating Star
Floating Star
by Leonard Morris
22" x 26" Frame
Price: $247.09 
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7 Items
Leonard Morris (Born in 1932) was born in Jamaica, West Indies to the late Desmond Morris and Eva Hutchinson. He studied woodwork at Kingston Technical High School and is a graduate of the Jamaica School of Arts and Crafts and Knox College. In 1947, he sold his first painting to the British Consulate. The painting was entitled "Country Man." At this tender age of only 14 years old, Morris was able to do pencil sketches while at the Junior Center Library of the Institute of Jamaica, and he also read art many books. Bob Verity, the director of the center, soon recognized the talent of this young man and promptly sent him to study painting, joining the Vera Cummings art class, alongside such artist as Alexander Cooper, Corah Hamilton, Carl Abraham, David Pottinger, Vernal Reuben, and Osmond Watson. He also studied ceramics under master potter Cecil Baugh, sculpture under Alvin Marriott, the late master sculptor, and printing under E.C.R. Williams, the master printer. His art has received much acclaim, more so the framed Leonard Morris art which are today in high demand by many collectors and individuals. At the age of 20, the artist won a scholarship to graphic art, drawing and painting at the Jamaica School of Arts and Crafts. There, he spent 7 years studying under the late painters Edna Manley, Karl Parboosingh, Hector Whistler and Ralph Campbell. He later served at the University of the West Indies and Knox College as the Artist in Residence. In 1952, was nominated as artist of the year at the annual Art Exhibit in Jamaica.
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