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Wendy MacFarlane Art

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Wendy MacFarlane is a multi-talented and multi-media artist who trained as a textile designer. She applies the innovative techniques of computer graphics to produce stunning pieces of artwork. Wendy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Textile Design from the Winchester School of Art. She likes to produce artwork. Her style is determined and is focused on the effortlessness of the beauty of her subjects. Wendy believes that that there is no single formula in producing art and she lets the process and the image to her to where it must go. Wendy is inspired to interpret everyday subjects in a fresh and sometimes mischievous way. After her graduation, she has worked as a freelance designer for many years. She says that the balance between cool and warm is of greatest importance to her adding that the elements of art must work together to bring harmony. Wendy’s goal is to see with her heart and eyes, and produce pieces of art using the language of light and color in a way that the viewers can appreciate and feel part of. She likes travelling and has traveled the world. Wendy finds the continuous task of balancing life and design invigorating and continues to produce stunning pieces of artwork. Her client base has expanded to include some esteemed corporations and respected individuals in Britain. Framed Wendy MacFarlane art are custom made with high quality materials and can therefore be used for decorative purposes for a lifetime. She has produced so many pieces of art in a variety of finishing options which many her collectors consider as their most valued assets.
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