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Baron Francois-Pascal-Simon Gerard Art

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Framed Father of Psyche Consulting the Oracle of Apollo
Father of Psyche Consulting the Oracle of Apollo
by Baron Francois-Pascal-Simon Gerard
23" x 27" Frame
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Price: $279.99 
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Baron Francois-Pascal-Simon Gerard (1770 - 1837) was a neoclassical painter who first studied under Augustin Pajou, the sculptor and later with Jacques-Louis David, the painter, whose assistant he became after 1791. Gerard is known for his paintings of famous European personalities, especially the leading figures of the restoration periods in France and of the French First Empire. Raised in Rome, Gerard acquired a love of Italian painting that informed his art for life. By 1793, with both parents dead, he took full responsibility for his youngest brother. To keep them going, he worked as an illustrator of folio editions of literature. Jean-Baptist Isabel, a miniature painter helped him repeatedly, most importantly by commissioning a portrait that launched his reputation as a society portraitist in 1796. Because he received much praise for the brilliant characterizations and naturalism in his art, his portraits gained the attention of Napoleon and court favor. For mythological and historical subjects, Gerard based his style on Neoclassicism but infused it with a dreamlike quality. Gerard was politically flexible, so he was honored by all of the political regimes - Louis XVIII even made him a baron. The richness in the history of his art has made his work to be very popular, especially the framed Baron Francois-Pascal-Simon art which are today highly priced by many collectors all over the world. His art graces the walls of many prestigious galleries, museums, institutions and even private homes. Gerard died in 1837 in Paris, France leaving behind a rich legacy.
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